Global IEC Engineering Corporation is a US company specialized in offerring best controls engineering solutions in design & build, customer project management and technical training. Our engineering philosophies are based on IEC60204-1, China GB-5226, NFPA79, NEC (NFPA70), ISO 4413, ISO 4414, ISO13849-1 (EN954-1), ANSI/RIA 15.06 specification.
World headquarter of the company is located in Saginaw, Michigan USA, and we have regional offices in Suzhou China & Daegu South Korea. Global IEC Engineering Suzhou office was established in 2009, and company's goal is leading automation industry in China.
苏州艾益希控制技术有限公司是一家致力于提供专业自动化控制解决方案的企业,公司业务主要涵盖自动化工程设计,项目管理以及专业技术培训等。公司遵照IEC60204-1, China GB-5226,NFPA79, NEC (NFPA70), ISO 4413, ISO 4414, ISO13849-1(EN954-1), ANSI/RIA 15.06 等标准,按照客户的不同需求进行自动化设备的设计、建造和程序编写,提供项目的管理方案、专业的技术培训,以及后续的设备维护服务。
公司总部位于美国密歇根州沙基诺(Saginaw, Michigan),在中国苏州以及韩国大邱都设有分支机构。苏州分公司设立于2009年,成立至今始终秉承“以人为本,以服务为企业基石”的宗旨,不断开拓创新,竭诚为终端客户提供符合欧美标准的自动化设备、高质量的工程设计及完善的售后服务,目标成为自动化行业的领导者。